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A Team You
Can Be Proud Of

At Team AD, we know that drivers are the backbone of America. Whether it is food or pharmaceuticals, most products that Americans use every day are delivered by trucks.

As a carrier, you would be part of a strong culture that supports the lives of Americans.

A Team You
Can Be Proud Of

At Team AD, we know that drivers are the backbone of America. Whether it is food or pharmaceuticals, most products that Americans use every day are delivered by trucks.

As a carrier, you would be part of a strong culture that supports the lives of Americans.


Our carriers have access to a wide variety of support. A diversified sales staff pursue quality freight and quality rates to provide stable returns for carrier growth.


Here at Team AD our primary role is coordinating schedules and routes for drivers to ensure that goods are delivered on time and you receive jobs that meet your needs.


It’s our job to take care of our carriers. We are open to a variety of payment options, including Pay-by-Load, in order to help you stay on the road.

Get Loaded. Get Paid. Get Home.


Did you know that 95% of the nation’s trucking companies have a capacity of 5 trucks or less?

CAPACITY and CAPITAL are the two key barriers that keep MBE carrier companies from working with major retail corporations.

Walmart sized companies often require a minimum truck capacity of 20-50 power units. Even if a MBE certified carrier does have the truck capacity required, odds are they don’t have the expendable capital to meet the shipper’s required insurance minimums.

Team AD’s goal is to act as a bridge between these two different worlds which provides benefit to both sides.

The retailers have the capacity they need to maintain their steady operation while meeting their company’s MBE spending.

In return, MBE carriers have consistent, dedicated freight and stability.


Did you know that 95% of the nation’s trucking companies have a capacity of 5 trucks or less?

CAPACITY and CAPITAL are the two key barriers that keep MBE carrier companies from working with major retail corporations.

Walmart sized companies often require a minimum truck capacity of 20-50 power units. Even if a MBE certified carrier does have the truck capacity required, odds are they don’t have the expendable capital to meet the shipper’s required insurance minimums.

Team AD’s goal is to act as a bridge between these two different worlds which provides benefit to both sides.

The retailers have the capacity they need to maintain their steady operation while meeting their company’s MBE spending.

In return, MBE carriers have consistent, dedicated freight and stability.